Socio Political art in the digital realm|ori kleiner

Fallen Fruit

The participatory aspect of socially engaged art is a component common to this genre of art. Socio-political art that exists and is being distributed via digital means takes advantage of the extensive reach of such tools of communication. But while such work often exists within the digital realm, it is not confined solely to such existence.

Residing on a web server, Fallenfruit.org reaches well into the physical aspect of the urban experience. Fallenfruit.org began as an artist's project for the Journal of Aesthetics and Protest by Los Angeles-based artists Dave Burns, Austin Young and Matias Viegener. According to the site: "fallenfruit.org is devoted to mapping the urban landscape and fostering new forms of environmental, social and political activism." At its premise, fallenfruit.org argues that municipalities should ensure the planting of fruit-bearing vegetation in public spaces, such as parks and public gardens, while private citizens who own private land should plant fruit-bearing plants on the perimeter of their land since, "according to the law, if a fruit tree grows on or over public property, the fruit is no longer the sole property of the owner." The mission of this multi-participant project is to collect and share data regarding the location and the availability of such fruit-bearing vegetation existing within the public domain, while advocating a re-thinking of familiar approaches to urban planning in general, and urban and private gardening specifically. Encouraging net-surfers to action, fallenfruit.org requests that its visitors document and share such data from their various local communities, as well as harvest, plant and share public fruit. Rooted in the Los Angeles metropolitan area, fallenfruit.org uses the Internet as means of branching off, aspiring to bear its conceptual fruit in communities across the US.

Fallen Fruit

Theyrule.net and fallenfruit.org are hardly unique in their approach of utilizing the schematics of mapping techniques to draw people to socio-political consciousness and activism. Delocator.net relies on an extensive database to divert consumers away from coffee houses owned by transnational corporations, directing them instead to local, independently owned cafés. Visitors to the site are encouraged to add information on the locations of independent cafés in their neighborhoods.

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