genetics , binary; sequences
genetic sequences


0. K14 / CHROMOSOME 14 [Homo sapiens - Chromosome 14 long arm, resequencing]

1. K12 / CHROMOSOME 12 [three A syndrome, sampling]
2. K13 / CHROMOSOME 14 [human leukemia, sampling]
3. K19 / CHROMOSOME 19 [cardiac conduction disease, gen jamming]

4. TOWNES-BROCKS SYNDROME [P1 and PAC, gen hacking]
5. SPASTIC PARAPLEGIA [clone name 563N04, media hacking]



in the near future, we will have gene-kits to construct organisms out-of-the-box,
like chemical kits the boys and girls had during my youth to experiment with
chemical reactions and stuff. my intention is to write and co-write sequences. so
as soon as these gene-kiddie-kits are sold at toys-are-us or at eToys.com, kids can
start experimenting and create the organism to my lyrics. for sure we will have
automated trial-and-error organism-creators, because my lyrical approach towards
genetics is in 99,9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% not
functional and therefore it has to be tried and tried over in order to reach
animal or human cells status.


the rules of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)):

A = adenine, C = cytosine, G = guanine, T = thymine

U = uracil, R = G A (purine), Y = T C (pyrimidine)
K = G T (keto), M = A C (amino)

S = G C, W = A T
B = G T C, D = G A T, H = A C T, V = G C A
N = A G C T (any)

source: dna sequence formats




copyright 2002 HANS BERNHARD