genetics , binary; sequences
genetic sequences
Townes-Brocks syndrome is a combination
of malformations of the anus, the
external ear, the thumbs and the kidney associated with deafness. Transmission
is autosomal dominant, expression is variable and penetrance is complete. The
localization of the gene is 16q12.1, as determined from a reciprocal translocation.
YAC clones, and P1 and PACs which overlap the chromosomal breakage point
have been isolated. The project aims to sequence 3 clones (P1 and PAC)
localized around the translocation breakpoint.
the rules of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)):
A = adenine, C = cytosine, G = guanine,
T = thymine
U = uracil, R = G A (purine), Y = T C (pyrimidine)
K = G T (keto), M = A C (amino)
S = G C, W = A T
B = G T C, D = G A T, H = A C T, V = G C A
N = A G C T (any)
source: dna sequence formats
copyright 2002 HANS BERNHARD