etoy.SOUND 1994 - 2002


0. etoy.FASTLANE 6-8 techno-tracks [not recovered from original 16-line-tape]

2. etoy_DIGITAL_HIJACK.mp3 [ the soundtrack to the digital hijack action]

3. etoy_HIJACKING_YELLO.mp3 [released on 3,5' disk] during YELLO event in zurich/switzerland

5. etoy_LEAVING_REALITY.mp3 [unreleased]
6. etoy_MILK.mp3 [unrleased, funny and intelligent]
7. etoy_NETBOMB.mp3 [unreleased, one of the very early tracks]
9. etoy_PROTECTION.mp3 [the soundtrack for the "protected by etoy" performance in budapest]
0. etoy_WAITING_FOR_EMAIL.mp3 [unreleased, goldstein on lsd]
1. etoy_WUNDERKIND.mp3 [dedicated to coco, our wunderkind]
2. etoy_WUNDERKIND_BG.mp3

1. etoy_c64.mp3 [unreleased]
1. etoy_DIGITAL_DISCO.mp3 [unreleased betabeta-version]
2. etoy_EDGEGAME.mp3 [unreleased betabeta-version]
3. etoy_FIGHTING_FOR_FASHION.mp3 [unreleased betabeta-version]
4. etoy_FLASHING_FUTURE.mp3 [unreleased betabeta-version]



copyright 2002 HANS BERNHARD