#!/usr/bin/perl sub unescape { $_ = $_[0]; local (%t) = ("0", 0, "1", 1, "2", 2, "3", 3, "4", 4, "5", 5, "6", 6, "7", 7, "8", 8, "9", 9, "A",10, "B",11, "C",12, "D",13, "E",14, "F",15); s/\+/ /g; s/%([0123456789ABCDEF])([0123456789ABCDEF])/sprintf("%c", 16 * $t{$1} + $t{$2})/ge; $_; } read (STDIN, $indata, $ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH}); @in_data = split ('&', $indata); for (@in_data) { if (/^([^=]+)=(.*)/) { eval "\$$1 = \"" . &unescape ("$2") . "\";"; } } ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time()); @z = ('00' .. '59'); @m = ('01' .. '12'); @mm = ('1' .. '12'); $year += 1900; $now = "$year/@m[$mon]/@z[$mday]-@z[$hour]:@z[$min]"; $heute = "$mday. @mm[$mon]. $year" ; open (M, "| Mail -s 'etoy www request' comm"); print M " Company = $Company Name = $Name E-mail = $Email Telephone = $Telephon Fax = $Fax Address = $Adresse Singleroom = $Singleroom Doubleroom = $Doubleroom Tripleroom = $Tripleroom Arrival-Day = $ADay Arrival-Month = $AMonth Arrival-Year = $AYear Departure-Day = $DDay Departure-Month = $DMonth Departure-Year = $DYear Payment = $payment CardType = $cardType CardNumber = $cardNumber CardExpire = $cardExpire Comments = $comments "; close M; # Antwort an Besteller print "Content-type: text/html\012\012"; print "\nConfirmation</TITLE\n"; print "<BODY>\n"; print "<H1>Confirmation</H1>\n"; print "<h2>Vienna, $heute</h2>\n<hr>\n"; print "Thank you for ... etoy!<br>Your request has been mailed to etoy and will be processed as soon as possible.<br> You will get a confirmation of your terms after we have checked whether the rooms are available.<br>\n"; print '<a href="/etoy/">--OK--</a>'; print "</body>\n";