Fashion Design

Here is a quicktime movie. To view click here

size of quicktime movie: 239k

Here is another quicktime movie contibuted by

size of quicktime movie: 359k

Defining style

What to wear

Where to wear it

Express yourself(jpeg)

It's you, It's who you are vogue magazine


Paris, Milan, New York!

on the runways

showing some skin

sheer and airy, mystical(jpeg)

corsets laced up tight

shine under chiffonvogue magazine

FUTURE CHIC vogue magazine

"designer put spin on cyberstyle

with visionary high-tech-meets-primitive mixes

cybertech style

body piercing


bodies of the future

hi tech vs. primitive jpeg image contributed by Sharon Lewis

it's shiny, it's silver

street style

test tube fashion

non natural fibers

high technology tempered with human touch

this is the fashion of the past

this is the fashion of the future

image contributed by

Theme page created by Kristina Richards

To contribute to this theme upload an image, text, movie of audio file to the anonymous ftp site. Put the file in the Fashion directory and send me an e-mail message telling me what you would like your file linked to at this address.

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