
--- --- ---
--- --- ---e01 luzius bernhard
medium sized killer brain_HARD, a full skin-head since 1987, pre-etoy look was a mix between techno-madness [pink furjacket, brown nylon suit] and skiing acessoires and fashion + russian watches and huge sunglasses [we used to call them ant-sunglasses];
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--- --- ---e07 michel zai
etoy.ZAI was... a small sized mad man, space look, big eyes, thick black short/medium length hair, ususally with a large hair-mad in front, training/joggin clothes from the 70s, plastic belts, shoe-fetish [green pink boots, plastic shoes, etc..] + the superacessoires such as kids sunglasses in plastic rainbow-colas.. ;
    all photocredits etoy [and the individual agents] and claudia kenan;
copyright by hans_extrem/etoy.BRAINHARD 2001