The 17 vertical lines with a number below represent the exon boundaries. The initiator ATG codon and the stop codon are indicated in red in both the nucleotide and amino acid sequence. The five mutations identified so far, including skipping of exon 16, are indicated in red italics.The polyadenylation site is in underlined italics. The putative nuclear localization signal RGKKK and the three conserved domains 92, 179 and 6226 predicted by the sequence analysis in ProDom are indicated in blue, between amino acid positions 7-11, 342-409, 411-509 and 512-599 respectively. The four motifs predicted by the sequence comparison in the Prosite database are indicated in green: two leucine-zipper motifs at amino acid positions 50-78 and 508-529, the ATP-binding site (also called Walker motif A) at amino acid position 382-389 and a helix-loop-helix dimerization domain between amino acid positions 478 and 486. Walker motifs A and B, "GPPGNGKT" and "IIFIDE" respectively, and minimal AAA consensus are underlined.
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