genetics , binary; sequences

RCC1_HOMO manipulated sequence 11 / 2002



0. RCC1HOMO_HANS BERNHARD, base sequence 24-DEC-2002 (Rel.243, Last updated, Version 7)
0. RCC1HOMO_URSINA SYBILLA BERNHARD, base sequence 24-DEC-2002 (Rel.243, Last updated, Version 7)
0. RCC1HOMO_HANS-PETER BERNHARD, base sequence 24-DEC-2002 (Rel.243, Last updated, Version 7)
0. RCC1HOMO_ANNA-BARBARA BERNHARD, base sequence 24-DEC-2002 (Rel.243, Last updated, Version 7)
0. RCC1HOMO_ANNELIS BERNHARD, base sequence 24-DEC-2002 (Rel.243, Last updated, Version 7)

1. MANIPULATION systematic, 30-DEC-2002


2. RCC1HOMO_manipsequence_001.html
2. RCC1HOMO_manipsequence_002.html
2. RCC1HOMO_manipsequence_003.html
2. RCC1HOMO_manipsequence_004.html
2. RCC1HOMO_manipsequence_005.html
2. RCC1HOMO_manipsequence_006.html
2. RCC1HOMO_manipsequence_007.html
2. RCC1HOMO_manipsequence_008.html
2. RCC1HOMO_manipsequence_009.html
2. RCC1HOMO_manipsequence_010.html
2. RCC1HOMO_manipsequence_011.html
2. RCC1HOMO_manipsequence_012.html
2. RCC1HOMO_manipsequence_013.html
2. RCC1HOMO_manipsequence_014.html
2. RCC1HOMO_manipsequence_015.html
2. RCC1HOMO_manipsequence_016.html





through the manipulation of HANS BERNHARD BASE SEQUENCE 1973
RCCIHOMO code, HANSBERNHARD creates simple but effective changes in
partial sequences of his genetic code for future use in protein based organisms
such as human beings, animals or plants.

implement his code or the derivations and manipulations of his code. through that,
you will understand his role in life as he understands it, the overheated spin
doctor, the sweet drop of water on the hot stone, the manic butterfly in the snow

this experiment is simply worthwile due to the focus on the "nothing". the empty
space of dna logic goes far beyond the capability of our minds. we want to
understand but we won't. you can not understand what you are by experimenting on
yourself. we will keep on techno-pushing and ratio believing, analyse and decrypt
dna-data, recreate and expand exact science.

but it will be like a game of chess or go, a wind blow, a little child pushing
around the stones and the world will never be the same again.

RANDOM POPSTAR HANS BERNHARD: "have you ever felt the real
randomness in full control and in full impact? i can tell you, i did during my first manic
episode, in the beautiful spring, in march 2002. time changes direction, constantly,
4 dimensionally, the backvector works against the waterflow of time as we agreed
on knowing it, the feeling of randomness takes control over ratio and emotions,
one touch of your hand could lead to something else somewhere else by someone else
to something else to something else to something else by someone else with something
else multiplied by something else and someone else working on something else
somewhere else and divided by something else. a little string of pseudo-randomness,
it can't be described, it can only be experienced or not, probably. so my mind
went white and i stared deep, frozen and hyper into the nothing, but i was fearful,
because randomness means responsability of nature. mankind or specified organism
living in our space and time do have very different responsabilites."

HANS BERNHARD "blacked/whitened out" after performing a glamour-jesus-stunt to
stop time. the doctors confirmed the ctr-scans to be positive and large amounts of
sedativa were handed to MR. BERNHARD to pull him away from the responsability
being pure random uberbewusst.

psychological cross-reactions are trying to gain control, to be very precise and
slow in everything the random-experienced does. but in the end, the mathematical-
philosophical concept of random has an overwhelming power over technical analyses
of voter behaviour and/or dna-sequences and the world as we "all agreed" on to
perceive it.

IUPAC nucleic acid codes

To represent ambiguity in DNA sequences the following letters can be used (following
the rules of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)):

A = adenine, C = cytosine, G = guanine, T = thymine

U = uracil, R = G A (purine), Y = T C (pyrimidine)
K = G T (keto), M = A C (amino)

S = G C, W = A T
B = G T C, D = G A T, H = A C T, V = G C A
N = A G C T (any)

source: dna sequence formats







copyright 2002 HANS BERNHARD