Re: 11 + 9 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 1 = 23
uberSTATEMENT//WORDWAR:: similar to code red, US media, .gov and secret services flood the world with manipulated information about attacks on U.S. infrastructure. orderly--45min;
this is pure MEDIA HACKING in it's best tradition, this is neither true nor false, this is simply manipulation; so dont believe the hype! HACK AFG_HH_ANI_STAN, fund and empower the cia/nsa, eat shit! M_ASSENPSYCHOSE, wie einen penis abschneiden, beschneiden,

"the legal aspect of media hacking is important to note, as it seperates media hacking from tradtional forms of hacking. media hackers expoit weak spots within social, commercial, political, and technical networks and implement disinformation via these subverted interfaces. media hacking asks for chuzpeh in producers. media hackers cannot be afraid of playing with information and information distribution, but rather have to be able to witfully play with these mechanisms. bad strategies can result in personally catastrophic scenarios, and successful gaming present the winners with the grand prize in the worldwide market for media attention. " lizvlx from ubermorgen, c17 [computer chaos club conference, 12/2000, berlin]

### cellular networks down, all us military and police/secret service forces active, comm-networks loaded, 10k security personal at WTC ###
### 18:22 CET, all of lower manhatten will be evacuated pieces of papers, office supplies lying on the street ###
united 175 boing 757 from boston to l.a. deep concern; nobody knows the status, united cto is WITH the ppl-- CLASS D AIRSPACE - where the planes came down. djihad_rad_islam, "the attacks are a consequence of united states politics in the middle east"-- we all pass you as much information as we have--l o g a n a i r p o r t-- united 800, 2459999, 61756830100, nbta frequency increas of subway transp., we are in close comm with the FAA, FBI, STATE POLICE COMMONWEALTH OF MASS. , b_briefing, no official notificaton of flight numbers: "i doo be_lieve flight no. 11 american airlines, i dont know at this point off time, hijack can not be confirmed, outside . faa conducts this activity", air-port shut down .-diverted canadaaaa- part of military nerve center collapses, national mall.
here in new york, overwhelmed; 100s of patients, we can not even begin to guess how many ppl have died by when this day is over; the numbers are going to be extrordinary. i am here! about an hour ago, a 1000 yards from the wtc, desperately, explosion, scene out of a horror film, - interrupt - 2nd plane down south east of pittsburgh; penta #### gon hijack pittsburgh area reports plane hijack area flights - canceled - diverted into canada, back 2u, building ###
cnn - LSD, madness, jamesbond, the headz are watching ### collaps, you can not see your hand, part of pentagon collapses after-the-smoke-financial disctrict wheeled with masks air sick with debree with ash on the ground 2 inches downtown manhatten ### oahhhh ### gasmasks, selfFULLFILLINGPROPHECY, guliana major, ppl down there, remain calm, remain home; federal gov, emergency personell ### HELP ### sudan rocket-attacks, afgahnistan attack, evacuated, jump out of the world trade center, every ressource we have is rescuing, tremendous no. of lives
wasted, system implemented, where are ppl are being taken, every area hospital possible, hydro, see, street, ready, take, ppl, minutes, hospital, washington, playstastion and TOMATO, remain remain remain calm, election_timE, tremendous no. of lives lost on attacks in new york and stay calm NOW, southern part of manhatten on the tip of m. island calmly move nord, the pentagon here try water order what happend, let me just describe and backup a little bit a huge side pentagon, firefiters, streams
[ofwater|smoke] destruction aircraft identified as civilian aircraft shortly after wtc attack reported huge explosions by their window entire pentagon evacuated quickly get away f/t/building in -depth in da pentagon, no second plane materialized, problems of water on the devastated signs of the pentagon ; how many casualties?? ?? ; i can see! just next to the building about 30-60 feet/seed wide; people jumping out of the windows of the world trade centers, skin hanging off people, elevators exploding, one OF THE MOST HORRIFIC DAYS EVERY.. in 1993 when terrorist bombed the wtc, they wanted to bring down the wtc tower, lincoln tower, the worst nightmare,
worse than anyone could imagine, the worst on american soil, 10s of thousands of people, THIS MIGHT BE THE DAY WHEN AMERICAS LUCK RAN OUT! the symbolism of these attacks is extreme, who is responsible, working-theses, this is oversears terrorism, not home made, agence press palestine group in the name claimed responsibility, osman bin laden denies involvement, us officials can not shade .. a very fluid situation, CIA in langley evacuated, op-center moved elsewhere, staff is focusing on shreds of info to help us gov who is doing this?? not many groups, fair enough, that have the ressources and logistical skills to execute such an action, algerians, ENORMITY OF IT ALL , multiple attacks, no small cell can do this, obviously, correct - another thing - remember the attack on the USS cole, BREAKING NEWS ### AMERICA UNDER ATTACK ### NS-correspondant: what he is hearing; pieces togehter, taliban news conference soon, CNN LIVE ### STOCK MARKET DOWN,
german security council gathering, ...president bush denounces appartent terrorist attacks: vows to hunt down those responsible... crashes happend within 18 minutes from each other...; most people where at their desks, thousands of ppl, 50k ppls come to work in these building, many more frequent stores etc.. in the ground-floor, tourism, ONE LOST AMERIDAN FLIGHT WAS FLIGHT 11 FROM BOSTON TO L.A. -- second lost american flight was 4 flight 77 from dulles to L.A. , correct me guys if i am wrong, dooooolluuues, rep-dow-ame-767-wtc-24k-bui-
bre-air-und-pre-app-vow-res-2nd-bel-som-pen-maj-rep- cra-hjk-wad-, hou-more has to be done, gen. wesley clark, helicopter, general nato-commander, pres. bush was in florida this morning, cut-it-short-to-fly-back-to-washington; what would the plans be for the president, would the pres. necessarily be back in washington; there would have to be a plan , to where he can best control and montor and make decisions AND BE SAFE, there will be no shortage of efforts to maintain the continuity of .gov;
tom clancy, author, keyword of reality, crash appears to be terrorist related; airforce general -- transatlantic -- mad man mad max mad min -- 4 commerical planes DOWN [hijacked] -- united 93, united 175 flights to san fran and l.a. lost -- ALL AIRLINES ARE CLOSED DOWN - ALL AIRPORTS ARE CLOSED - THE BORDERS TO MEXICO IS CLOSED - JOHN KING in front of the, they all want to bring
THE PRESIDENT to the withehouse as quick as possible, if safe! additional fighter jet escorts for the president from florida to washington, the action can best be monitored from this special room in the whiteH.. snipers on the roofs of the whithouse, a helicopter gun-ship, the vice-president is in position to monitor all that - JOHN THANK YOU! L.A. AIRPORT totally evacuated, lt. howard whitehead LAX air-security, terminals lax, flights not being allowed except for key-personell, Apolice, fire, ems, since 1993 attack on wtc, crisis plans have been in place, gas-leack fueling fire, gas has to be turned off; KENNEDY SPACE
CENTER SHUT DOWN, MULLAH ABDUL SALLAM SAIF, "WE WANT TO TELL THE AMERICAN CHILDERN THAT AFGHANISTAN FEELS YOUR PAIN"; news-conference islamabad / paki.stan, osama bin laden, carlos, taliban, plo, arafat, aaron in new york: "yesrudi!", the best piece of info: "massive rescue effort, 1000s and 1000s of ppl to be evacuated, southern manhattan, gov. pataki, national guard ready later today, whitehouse, urban search and rescue are coming for help, ems.. we walked north..
THE loses to the fire and police dept. are going to be severe.. they were all inside the wtc to evacuate when they collapsed, probably structural collaps and not another bomb;
bin laden; cowardly act- -- tomorrow, yello-jersey with debris, TO BRING THOSE RESPONSIBLE TO JUSTICE, we -- house and senate stand strongly united behind the pres_ident; in these efforts, our heart felt and our urban prayers with the families of those -- lost; lybia, sudan, afghanistan, remember, rescue workers in a moment of silence in our true memories, heads down, chop off, afghanistan STRONG-WOMEN, thank you!
### pusenje steti vasem zdravlju, anticipate - control - command - conquer -- HA!, primary democratic race, the pure spirit of retaliation, blood_y_revenge, hijack, digital hijack, now, do we have low-tech terror against high-tech nationZ, high concept terror against low level networked intelligence; OR way tooooo much technical intelligence instead of good old human intelligence, we dont know, we honestly dont know.. live coverage and revenge, fighter jets and bio-chemical-tactical-nuclear-economic warfare, so what do you do against 100 determined killers? what can you do? NOTHING!
Re: 11 + 9 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 1 = 23
the question of true or false, him or her, CNN or indy-media, bird or cat... can under no circumstances be of value in the aftermath of this world wide media shock and masspsychosis. some media hackers [currently described as terrorists] have intelligently attacked central symbols of the american governement and society with low-tech instruments such as knives, brains, money and flight-education. the media impact, and therefore the global shock, can be understood and interpreted as highly pervert and intelligent act of communication. like traditional artists, "they" have scanned the networks and infrastructures in order to find weakpoints. then they acted accordingly and underwent all forms of repression, observation and financial, logistic and psychologial problems. they hit right on target with precision. now the impact of this subversive act is on the one hand extremly tragic [the human pain and fear is hard to imagine], on the other hand it is a shock wave which will overthrow and break, which will generate immense dynamics in various global and national communities and therefore generates its own reality. the political and military implications can some- how be imagined, the psychological implications are harder to imagine, the artistic implications are felt instantly. although, i have to admit that this action is clearly inbetween traditional forms of hacking [considered illegal under various national laws] and new forms of media hacking [considered legal form of action]. the media action consists of a majority of legal components, the physical action, if it took place the way we imagine and see through televised and networked communication], consists of illegal components:

"the legal aspect of media hacking is important to note, as it seperates media hacking from tradtional forms of hacking. media hackers expoit weak spots within social, commercial, political, and technical networks and implement disinformation via these subverted interfaces. media hacking asks for chuzpeh in producers. media hackers cannot be afraid of playing with information and information distribution, but rather have to be able to witfully play with these mechanisms. bad strategies can result in personally catastrophic scenarios, and successful gaming present the winners with the grand prize in the worldwide market for media attention." lizvlx from ubermorgen, c17 [computer chaos club conference, 12/2000, berlin]

so, who will take the grand prize of this [media] hack? who will put his brand/logo on top of it? who will be able to negate responsibility due to artistic argumentation of non-liability and freedom of artistic expression? who understands the U.S. constitution and its weakpoints well enough to produce a legal basis for the media hack-components of this action in the future?
live and uncensored.. from, the nyc-mother of vhost live-capture filtered trough hans_extrem and nikon..

in the tradition of till eulenspiegel, adolf hitler and etoy...
disclaimer:: live-broadcast from hans_extrem from labin/croatia, primary source, brianhard_brain and CNN internat. MSNBC, rtl, sat1, human sources ASU2-conference, rhizome, ricardo dominguez, heath bunting, a WORDWAR production