genetics , binary; sequences


0. binary sequences
0. genetic sequences

1. uberHANS / HANS BERNHARD dna fingerprint / key_signature, 04 / 2002
1. RCC1HOMO_HANSBERNHARD.html, 12 / 2002

2. the bernhards, genetic fingerprinting and manipulation on the code, v.2.0, 2002
the bernhards, genetic fingerprinting and manipulation on the code, v.1.0, 2001





IUPAC nucleic acid codes

To represent ambiguity in DNA sequences the following letters can be used (following
the rules of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)):

A = adenine
C = cytosine
G = guanine
T = thymine
U = uracil
R = G A (purine)
Y = T C (pyrimidine)
K = G T (keto)
M = A C (amino)
S = G C
W = A T
B = G T C
D = G A T
H = A C T
V = G C A
N = A G C T (any)

source: dna sequence formats



copyright 2002 HANS BERNHARD